PDI Preparation for Competitions
To enter an image you will need to:-
Resize to max width of 1600 pixels x max height of 1200 pixels
Consider adding a very narrow grey border (stroke)
Use the Uploader to enter your image.
Print Preparation for Competitions
It is expected that all Intermediate and Advanced members will mount their prints (usually window mounted)
Prints should be mounted on a board no bigger than 500mm x 400mm
As well as mounting your print you must submit an electronic copy of your print by midnight on the Sunday prior to the competition.
Labels must be attached to the back of your mount, top, left-hand side. They can be obtained from the competition secretary on club evenings. You can print your own labels on standard A4 paper and glue them to the mount.
Print Competition Labels (Word DOC)
Lightroom & Photoshop learning
Adobe TV - lots and lots of Photoshop and Lightroom tutorials
Julieanne Kost - Photoshop and Lightroom guru
PHLEARN - Free YouTube Photoshop tutorials
PIXimperfect - Free YouTube Photoshop tutorials
Photoshop Training Channel - Free YouTube Photoshop tutorials
Glyn Dewis - Photoshop compilations & special effects
Print a Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts PDF
Resizing a Photo to fit a mount
Print Preperation in Windows Photoshop
Mounting & cutting
Mount Board Suppliers
Quadrant - John Massey